Tuesday, August 19, 2008

NBA Live vs NBA 2K Series Part 1

It has been without a doubt a no contest that the 2K series has gotten the better of it's rival, the Live series. Just browse through forums and gaming review sites and you'll surely find lots of gamers losing interest over the Live series which was once considered by many as a great series during the 90s are now considered as trying hard and will never cope up with the 2K series.

I'm also an avid fan of the Live series since the 90s and even before the Live series - the NBA Jam. NBA Live was enjoying its reign over sports games back then and gamers are simply satisfied with what they have to offer in every year's release. And then came the NBA 2K series. For us gamers, it is a fresh start. A fresh new competition to give EA a run for their money. However, as each year's release goes by, the 2K series gets the better of the Live series in the most important part of the game - the gameplay. While EA has been constantly improving on the cosmetics of the game and the new features which don't even matter unless the actual gameplay has improved, 2K has found its way and earned the respect of the basketball afficionados out there.

Gone are the golden days of the Live series. In almost every site, you'd actually read tons of gamers reassuring you that the 2K series is better than its rival game.

To be continued...

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