Monday, August 4, 2008

Playing Final Fantasy thru Emulators

Are you an avid fan of the Final Fantasy series of Square Enix? Or are you a burgeoning fan of the series?

If you are the latter, chances are either you've missed some of the early games of the series or you're missing them and you want to rekindle that good old-fashioned RPG.

Well, here is a list of what I thought of the methods wherein you can play any of the Final Fantasy series.

If you have a PC, almost all of the Final Fantasy series are playable thru the help of emulators.

Final Fantasy I
Original: NES, GBA, WonderSwan
Where it can be played: Playstation X (Remake), Mobile

Final Fantasy II
Original: NES, GBA, WonderSwan
Where it can be played: Playstation X (Remake), Mobile

Final Fantasy III
Original: NES, WonderSwan
Where it can be played: DS Lite (Remake)

Final Fantasy IV
Original: NES, SNES, WonderSwan
Where it can be played: DS Lite (Remake), Playstation X (Remake), Moble

Final Fantasy V
Original: SNES
Where it can be played: GBA (Remake), DS Lite (Remake), Playstation X (Remake)

Final Fantasy VI
Original: SNES
Where it can be played: GBA (Remake), Playstation X (Remake)

Final Fantasy VII
Original: PC, Playstation X

Final Fantasy VIII
Original: PC, Playstation X

Final Fantasy IX
Original: PC, Playstation X

Final Fantasy XI
Original: PC (Online)

Final Fantasy XI
Original: Playstation 2

Final Fantasy XII
Original: Playstation 2

Final Fantasy XIII
Original: Xbox 360 (US version), PS3 (Japanese version)

Some things to note:

Playstation X can be played thru emulators either on PC or Sony PSP or thru Playstation 2. I think Playstation 3 is also backward compatible upto Playstation X though I'm not so sure about it.

Playstation 2 can be played thru emulators on PC. As of this writing, only a few PS2 games are working on the PS2 emulators for the PC that I know of though I haven't really tried it yet.

DS can be played thru emulators via PC.

WonderSwan, GBA, NES and SNES can be played thru emulators either on PC, Sony PSP or anything that has the Java application on it. I've tried running it via my Sony k750i mobile phone and it worked (NES I should say).

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