Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Xbox 360's RROD, RROL or 3RL

Fascinated on what the Xbox 360, Playstation 3 and Nintendo Wii is in store beyond its games, I was browsing the web when I found out about Xbox 360's "Red Ring of Death/Doom" ("RROD"), the "Red Light of Doom" ("RLOD") or the "Three Red Lights" ("3RL"). Check out Wikipedia's site to learn more about it.

Anyways, I am already inclined on seriously buying the Xbox next year if I had the extra dough since the Wii seems too expensive for me and even more expensive than the Xbox when I had to step back and rethink if it is really worth buying with these technical problems that have been plaguing the console. What made me consider Xbox is its low cost due to being the first next-gen being released ahead of the others and its library of games which is almost similar with the PS3 which would probably take me 3 to 4 years of convincing myself to buy it before actually buying the hardware.

Actual Fix for the Xbox 360's 3RL

Step-by-Step fix for 3RL

Familiar with Microsoft's Windows XP's BSOD? Yup, Blue Screen of Death! It suddenly came into my mind that the 3RL is actually very similar to the Windows' BSOD. Well, somehow Microsoft has been poor at thoroughly testing their products at the user acceptance stage. That is why people who are still considering on buying the Xbox instead of its hardware competitor PS3 are thinking twice on buying it.

While there may be lots of workarounds circling the web for these bugs. Certainly we, the gamers, hope that these major technical problems be addressed before releasing it to the us and hope that it won't happen again in the future.

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